Reasons that trigger Acne

Ayurvedic approach to Acne

  • Dr. Ranjeeth
  • 8/1/2023
  • 02 Mins read
  • Health

Acne is something that causes frustration to many people, particularly adolescents and young adults between 18-25 years of age. Even when it’s gone, it’s likely to appear again; meaning a more permanent solution is needed. To diagnose the problem, individuals must understand the type of acne and the causes.

Skin ailments can be overcome with the right diagnosis and external and internal remedies. With Ayurvedic knowledge, acne sufferers can identify the type of acne and the right approach needed for effective solutions.

Dr. Ranjeeth

As per Ayurveda, acne is referred to as ‘yuvanpindika’ or ‘mukhdosha,’ which means ‘face destroyer.’ This skin affliction is the result of imbalances between the three doshas — vata, pitta, and kapha. People each have a unique combination, which can affect physical and mental health. Poor digestion and build up of ama, inflammation, and excessive sebum can contribute to this condition.

  • VATA AGGRAVATION- Vata-aggrevated acne manifests in tiny milia or blackheads. This type of acne usually appears small and dry, and dehydration, dryness and lack of movement tend to be the cause. To remedy this, drinking water, and hydrating foods, such as vegetables and fruits can help. Additionally, healthy fats from sources such as flax, chia and hemp seeds, fatty fish and olive oil should be included in the diet. Gentle exfoliation, oil massages and water based moisturizers are also beneficial.
  • PITTA AGGRAVATION- Pitta-aggravated acne shows up as milia or white bumps and cysts around the eyes, nose and upper lip. To comfort this type of acne, an anti-inflammation herbal gel could be applied. Eating cooling and healing foods such as aloe vera juice and milk thistle is also advised. In addition, more green vegetables and chia seeds should be consumed, along with smaller, blended meals for easy digestion. Stress should also be managed, as it can affect blood and liver functioning.
  • KAPHA AGGRAVATION- Kapha-aggravated acne is bigger, cystic and persistent. To minimize this type of acne, dairy, sugar, wheat and damp foods should be avoided. Instead, bitter and astringent foods such as cashews and leafy greens should be consumed, and exercising/moving in the mornings is recommended.