A guide to three Ayurvedic Doshas and how to balance them


Ayurveda, the ancient Indian practice of natural healing, believes that the life force, or prana, manifests in three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three energies are vital for our physical and mental health, and it is important to maintain a proper balance between them in order to stay healthy. The Tridoshas are made up of various combinations of the five great elements (Akasa, Vayu, Agni, Jala, Prithvi) and each has its own specific properties.

By making conscious choices in life and considering their particular dosha type, individuals can begin to live an integrated life, warding off disease and improving overall quality of life.

Apna Health

Vata dosha Vata dosha is composed of Akasa (space) and Vayu (air) elements and people with dominant Vata tend to be slim, slender and small with light, dry skin and cracking joints. They are very active, creative and impulsive with an enthusiastic personality, but an imbalance may lead to anxiety, insomnia and restlessness. In order to balance Vata, one should indulge in warm activities, utilize calming colors and aromas, enjoy grounding foods such as sweet potatoes, warm soups, organic oils, sustain a proper sleep schedule and daily massage with warm sesame oil.

pitta dosha Pitta dosha is composed of Agni (fire) and Jala (water) elements and those with a dominant Pitta are strong and intense with medium build and auburn colored hair. Their intellect and ambition are strong, but an imbalance can cause anger, burnout, skin irritation and impatience. To balance Pitta, one should avoid spicy, hot and fermented foods, opting for cooling fruits and vegetables like cucumbers and mangoes, and cooling spices such as cardamom, mint and fennel, and practice calming techniques such as Shirodhara and Abhyanga.

kapha dosha Kapha dosha is composed of Jala (water) and Prithvi (earth) elements. Those with a dominant Kapha are heavy set, with pale skin, round features and dark hair. They are calm, collected and laid-back in nature, but when out of balance they suffer from sluggishness, weight gain and depression. To balance Kapha, one should use pungent, bitter and astringent flavors, avoid heavy and oily foods, and indulge in stimulating activities such as pranayama and mild exercise. Doing regular lymphatic massage, Swedana and Garshana and Udvartana are recommended.