Ayurvedic immunization for children 0-16 years

Swarnaprashan - A Golden Journey

Swarnaprashan is an ancient Ayurvedic ritual believed to be beneficial for the overall growth and development of a child. This ritual consists of administering a concoction of golden bhasma (powders of various metallic substances) and other Ayurvedic herbs.

Free Suvarnaprashn camp for children 0-16 years on 14-15 August 2023

Dr. Neera Sharma

Swarnaprashan is the most recommended and widely used preventive health measure mentioned in ancient Indian classical texts. It’s an Ayurvedic panchakarma therapy, which means that its formulation contains five minerals as additives for their positive health effects. According to Ayurveda, these five biological principles, or pancha mahabhutas, are related to the five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. The golden color of the preparation symbolizes the positivity, intelligence, and brilliance of a child’s mind and body.

For performing the ritual, one needs to first consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner (Vaidya) who can prescribe the correct dosage of the bhasma, according to a child’s age and physical constitution. Gold bhasma is then mixed with cow’s ghee, honey, sugar and other herbal ingredients to create a special syrup-like preparation. This preparation is then administered to the child in small doses, according to the practitioner’s instructions.

Swarnaprashan has numerous health benefits, which include a positive impact on intellect, mental health, strength, concentration power and immunity. Apart from this, it’s also known to be helpful in tackling skin problems, improving vision, and providing relief from common illnesses such as cold, cough and fever as well. The ritual is also believed to have a preventive effect on chronic diseases and even future health risks.

Being an Ayurvedic panchakarma therapy, the preparation of Swarnaprashan is not only an effective health measure in itself, but also provides the body with a steady and deep nourishment, thereby helping to achieve a balanced and healthy constitution. Thus, it’s an important preventive healthcare measure that should not be overlooked for children.

Additionally, Swarnaprashan has immense spiritual significance. It’s considered to be a sacred ritual that helps to bring out the true latent potential and faculties of a child, thus helping him or her lead a healthy, balanced and prosperous life.

Overall, Swarnaprashan is a golden journey that leads to better health and wellbeing. It’s an ancient preventive healthcare measure that has stood the test of time, with numerous health benefits, and should be considered for any parent who wishes to give the best to their child.